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Centro Escuela Buceo Mojacar - Search results for: Snorkel
Sunday, 14 June 2020 13:30

Los mejores puntos de inmersión

Loe mejores puntos de inmersiones

Video Blog donde os hablamos de algunos de nuestros mejores puntos de inmersión, disfruta el vídeo.

Published in Diving blog
Sunday, 07 June 2020 11:51

Mojácar destino seguro

Webinar Mojacar DestinoSeguro

Por tu tranquilidad elige Mojácar para disfrutar de tus vacaciones y bucear.

Published in Diving blog
Sunday, 31 May 2020 12:24

Seminario Conviértete en un Buceador

Webinar Convertirse en un Buceador, Open Water Diver, Discover Scuba DIving, Scuba DIver

Os ofrecemos este Seminario web "Conviértete en un Buceador"en forma de VideoBlog sobre los distintos cursos, distintas maneras en que puedes llegar a ser un Buceador 

Published in Diving blog
Friday, 23 March 2018 10:24

PADI Basic Freediver Course


In this initiation course to freediving we will familiarize the students with the necessary skills to start in this amazing underwater world without bottles. Our Freediving Instructors will help you to enjoy during your first steps under water with just a breath and as you have never dreamed before. This training will be done only in a controlled environment, a pool, following the strict PADI teaching standards

Published in FreeDiving Course

Routes by boat through the Cabo de Gata´s natural park

Published in General
Wednesday, 17 April 2013 17:40

PADI Dive Master

Curso padi divemasterDivemaster - GoPro

Do you feel a deep and permanent passion for diving? Or do you just love diving with all your heart? If so, you should think about doing what you like most to live: become PADI Divemaster.

If you become a PADI Divemaster, you join the world's largest and most respected dive tribe - PADI professionals. They are PADI Divemasters and Instructors who share a passion for diving and an active concern for the health of the habitats of the underwater world.

This course is the first professional level of diving so your training will not only be theoretical, will depend a lot on the experience that your instructors can pass on you. In Buceo Mojacar we have been training instructors for more than 10 years so your training with us will be at the highest PADI level, and will be directed by a Platinum Course Director PADI (Pedro Navarro)

Also as DiveMaster PADI you can work anywhere in the world. Do not think about it anymore and join the tribe. We teach you !!

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